Texas Journal of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Submission to the Texas Journal of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Please consider submitting your work to the Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights for consideration, which is a print academic journal published by the University of Texas School of Law and provided to section members. The Journal publishes student notes and articles by academics and practitioners. In addition, the Journal invites authors to submit shorter works, such as book reviews, commentaries, essays, notes, comments, and biographies.

All submissions are reviewed throughout the year on a rolling basis. When considering a submission, the Journal weighs the following factors: the scholarly value of the submission, the topic’s relation to civil liberties and civil rights, and the novelty of the legal arguments or discussion. Importantly, however, the Journal does not veto submissions based on political leanings or personal beliefs of the editing board.

The editorial board retains full editorial license to publish or decline to publish any submission for any reason, which does not need be disclosed.

Please send submissions, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a cover letter, to the Journal via ExpressO, Scholastica, or by email.

Manuscripts should conform with the most recent version of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, published by the The Columbia Law Review Association, The Harvard Law Review Association, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and The Yale Law Journal Company. As is the standard practice of publications in the United States, the Journal will hold copyrights to the publication.